Gas injector
Technical specifications
Max. gas flow at 1.2 bar [l/min] | 150 |
Opening time at 1.2 bar [ms] | 2,7 |
Closing time at 1.2 bar [ms] | 1,7 |
Operating pressure [bar] | 0,95 ÷ 1,2 |
Max. operating pressure [bar] | 4,5 |
Performance range [HP/cylinder] (adjustable with nozzles) | 26,5 ÷ 57,0 |
Performance range [kW/cylinder] (adjustable with nozzles) | 19,5 ÷ 42,0 |
Coil resistance [Ω] | 2,0 +/- 0,1 |
Supply voltage [V] | 12 ÷ 16 |
Operating temperature [°C] | -20 ÷ +120 |
Gas inlet – stub pipe [mm] | Ø 12 |
Gas outlet – stub pipe [mm] | Ø 6 |
Service life [km] | 100 tys. 200 tys. |
Overall dimensions with stub pipes [mm] | |
Length: | |
4 cylinders | 150 |
3 cylinders | 123 |
2 cylinders | 96 |
Width × Height (4, 3 or 2 cylinders) | 45 x 79 |
Weight with nozzles [g] | |
4 cylinders | 480 |
3 cylinders | 360 |
2 cylinders | 240 |
Gas fuel type: LPG i CNG
Gas injector warranty: 2 lata bez limitu kilometrów
Gas injector warranty: 2 lata bez limitu kilometrów
Available section no.: 3, 4
Homologation & approvals: E8 67R-01 0973, E8 110R-00 0044
Produkt spełnia wymagania Regulaminu EKG ONZ.
Homologation & approvals: E8 67R-01 0973, E8 110R-00 0044
Produkt spełnia wymagania Regulaminu EKG ONZ.
Manufacturer's quality systems & standards: ISO 15500